Advanced DevOps Course- Weymont Pvt Limited


Today’s applications are undergoing a drastic change in the process of building and deployment. This progressive change was once secluded and performed in isolation and now it's being clubbed together as a single process that integrated both the development and operation process.
The new methodology in evolvement is DevOps, which intersects the gap between development and operations with the achievement of delivering the software more comfortably, rapidly, frequently with a reliable side.

What Is DevOps?

DevOps is the innovation in software development, where the team of developers combined the development (Dev) with the operations functions (Ops) made the DevOps be successful on all stages of software. These include product designing, developing, testing, securing, deploying and supporting.

Why is DevOps Training being Essential?

Before the entry of DevOps in the arena, the testing and deployment team was worked separately after the designing work has been done, there exhausted more time than the actual building methods. There also happened delays for coding and operation teams. The demand for DevOps was increased thereby and it came to play its role well.

What are the Goals of DevOps?

Any professional involved in software creation, either in developing a team or the operation team will benefit a lot by learning DevOps for their career. 

1.Reduce the Production Process:

Segregation of development and operation teams has increased the production process by consuming more time. It made harder for both the teams to produce the software operational. Implementing DevOps eliminated the confusion and speed up the development to stays strong in the innovation point.

2.Strengthen the Success Rate of Deployment 

The errors in programming are the main reason for the delay in deployment. The DevOps approached the code infrequent release and ensures the compiling in an earlier stage that leads the DevOps team to timing recovery and made the deployment earlier and successful.

3.Enhanced the Efficiency Through Automation

The continuous compiling and integration have reduced the manual process in developing and testing. The use of cloud-based platforms has resolved the problems that occurred by the use of hardware resources during the development ties up with relevant system infrastructure unnecessarily. It builds the acceleration tools for the speedier compilation of code. 

4.Enhances the Product Quality

The execution of DevOps increased the quality in the development process and also assisted in minimizing the occurring of unplanned confusions and complications. It also focussed on the security issues caused during the designing and development stages. This made the resources to be freeing and also available for other planned works. 

5.Highlight Your Value

The evolutions in the IT field are emerging for every few months, that may focus on giving better, faster and more comfortable, efficient of making things looks better. Organization people always need more enhancements in the software development process and thereby increasing more on their practical needs. The professionals who are not in touch with the emerging updates must keep it up with these changes are otherwise left behind in career.

6.Increased Salary

DevOps certified experts are in high demand and the most generously compensated professionals in the IT business. The market demand for them is expanding quickly with its expanded usage worldwide and this pattern does not seem likely to change at any point in the near future.

What is DevOps Lifecycle?

DevOps lifecycle defines a continuous relationship between development and operations. It is a process practiced by development engineers and operational engineers from start to the end of a product. DevOps lifecycle involves seven different stages in its hyperloop,

1.Continuous Development

In continuous development, the development team is concerned about Coding and constructing a product. The tools like SVN and GIT are applied for code version control and the tools like Gradle, Maven, Ant for building the code into an executable file and forward it into the Testing team.

2.Continuous Integration

In this stage, Continuous integration guarantees the consistency of the master code often referred to as the Build and Integration phase of the software release process. The central goal of CI is to find bug quicker, decrease the time to validate new update and push quality code to the master. Some of the Popular CI tools are Jenkins and Travis.

3.Continuous Testing

In this section, Continuous Testing is processing the automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline in order to obtain feedback on the business risks associated with a software release as rapidly as possible. It evolves and extends test automation to address the increased complexity and pace of modern application development and delivery. Selenium and Appiumare popular test automation tools.

4.Continuous Monitoring

The Continuous monitoring focuses on the operational phase in DevOps, where major information about application usage is recorded and carefully processed to find out trends and identify the problem areas. It enhances the operational efficiencies of a software product that may occur in the form of documents or produce massive data. Prometheus, Nagios is the popular tools used in monitoring.

5.Continuous Feedback

The application performance is improved consistently by analyzing the final outcome of the product. The continuous feedback is an important phase of the software application where customer feedback is a big asset to improve the working of the current software product and release new versions quickly based on the response. Getfeedback, Hip chat, Jira service are the tools popularly used.

6.Continuous Deployment

It is the Automated Deployment Pipeline between Development and Production with no manual gates in between.AWS, Bamboo, Puppet are the commonly used tools.
If you are looking for an Advanced Online DevOps course, then don't wait, enroll yourself in Weymont, being trained by working IT Professionals, which would definitely give more weightage to your profile and moreover boost your confidence level. 


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