Why social media strategy is so important in digital marketing

Having an effective social media strategy is vital for your overall digital marketing strategy! This article will brief you as to why it is very important!

Initially, if you are starting your business or planning to have social media presence, you may need to research which of the popular social media networks suit your business so that you can invest your time and energy in that platforms to form a strategy, share content, and interact with your customers well. Wikipedia lists 166 social networking websites allow their users to share various types of content.

It doesn’t mean you should stick to the networking sites that associate with your start-up, but with fewer sites having a mix of general networks like Facebook, Instagram, twitter and specific networks for a certain group such as academia.edu (social network for academics where educational books and research papers are shared), athlinks.com (for athletics). So, in addition to general networks, you must spend your time and content in niche-specific social media platforms too to connect with more like-minded people which helps boosts your product’s/service’s reach.

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Content and Hashtags:

The contents you post in the timeline of your social media accounts are more important because you may want the connections/friends you have in these platforms to engage with the posts so that it reaches maximum people organically without running any paid advertisement campaigns on these platforms. The content might be a video, image, article, or any engaging activity which creates an interest in your product/service for the users. It is advised to share your blog posts or content from your website on social media platforms so that you can also try to redirect some traffic to your website or blog.
A hashtag is a commonly used phenomenon in Social Medias to gather every content under one tag. For example, #digitalmarketing brings all contents related to digital marketing which has been contributed by ‘n’ number of users around various timelines. Almost all platforms use hashtags, but the use of hashtags should not be abused. Limit your hashtag usage and keep it related to the content you post which will bring more followers for your brand who are searching for the content.

Goals and Audience:

Setting a realistic goal should be the start of your social media strategy. Be it increasing your connections/followers/friends or improving your brand awareness or reaching out to new audiences or whatever, the set goal should be achievable and at the same time, you need to put some effort to achieve the goal.  Without the right audience, the efforts and time you put into these platforms will end up in vain. Hence, choose your target audience well and connect to them regularly. Engage with them often and keep posting at regular intervals without annoying your audience. It is advised to post your content at social media peak time. Yes, that is definitively a thing. For example, for Facebook, Wednesday at 3pm is said to be the peak time and it also depends upon the target audience.

If you think it is too much for you and opt to leave it to the best digital marketing agency, Weymont is here to assist you in setting up and managing your social media account. You may also reach out to us if you prefer to learn about this as we provide online training of digital marketing courses. For more details, visit www.weymont.in  


  1. Great information...



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