A Brief History of Marketing

Let me take you through old school marketing so that you will understand the difference between traditional marketing vs semi-traditional marketing vs digital marketing vs the next generation of digital marketing in different eras.

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What is Traditional Marketing?

Photo by Rajas Chitnis on Unsplash
Traditional Marketing is a type of predictable & standard that was used before the internet era widespread. This is the kind of marketing that is best known by business people for promotion, because most populations around the world have used and succeeded with this approach.

Direct Marketing:

Direct Marketing is not completely out of the marketing world, even though a lot of transformations have happened over the years in marketing. I believe, still, direct marketing gives you effective results even today.

How should we carry out Direct Marketing?

Promotions like door-to-door distribution of brochures, promotional materials, tucking the brochure on the fence or in the parked vehicle.

Public Place Marketing:

Marketing in public is an old school marketing strategy, but it's still effective. Giving a speech about the products/service offered by your business in a public place in order to get business. What is very important is, marketing tools such as posters, business cards, billboards, flyers that have proven effective if the design and the other elements are done right.

Broadcasting (Radio):

Broadcasting through radio has widely used those days because radio is the only source of promotion to target a larger audience before television took over. In fact, Television marketing has also used predominantly, but the potential of marketing is not up to the mark due to less in customer demand in the radio-dominant era. It was said that only 4% of the entire population own TV those days. But the study says, Television marketing is an evergreen marketing for coming years which has huge customer demand nowadays.


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